Friday, February 28, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #16

 I started film my opening scene today. 

Today we planed to have done the first 30 seconds of the opening film. And we did film the first 30 sec. Most of what we had plan went according to plan. But we did run into two problems, one we were able to fix and that was that we need a third person to help us film some shots that we though we could have done just with me and my friend but we need another person so we just called on of our friends to help us out. The other problem was that we didn't have a mechanic shop that we need to film to shots. Because those two shots were supposed to be about the crew working on the cars. So instead what we did was having the two car pull up in from of my house garage and we film ourselves working on the cars. 

This part of the video is a minute long but it won't be in the opening film it will only be like 5-10 seconds. I will edit it in the post production process after I finish filming everything.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #15

 My plan for this week is to start filming on Wednesday with my friends. The plan is to film at least the first 30 second of the film opening. And to start editing those first 30 seconds as soon as posable. The plan is to go to my friend house and go to his dads car garage and film the opening 30 sec of the me working on the car and quick shots of the car. I feel that those shots will take at least 1- 2 hours to film and make sure the shots are perfect. I also want to get some sounds of the car revving the engine and the car starting up to have those sound done with and I can add them later on if I need just in case I forgot to have it. 

After we film on Wednesday I am planning on starting to edit what I have film on Wednesday to see if it looks good, If it doesn't then I will have to plan on a day to re-shot to make it look better. I also have to have 3 blog post done about how my production is going. My plan for my first blog post is showing some of my rare film and explains how I am going to add to it and make it better. For my second blog post I am going to document the editing process that I am think of taking with my opening film. My third blog post will be about how we set up the set and how we made it look like we are mechanics. 

On Wednesday we couldn't start filming do to my friend that had the mics was sick and could bring the mics. So what we did was plan to start filming today Friday after school and have most of our filming done cus we also have to put time into my CCR that also need a lot of time and effort for me to get a good grade. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Portfolio Blog post #14

 My goal for my film opening is having good audio. By having dynamic and immersive sound can help have high energy and storying telling to my film opening.

My goal for my Sound

- Reflect the personalities and skills of characters 

- Build tension and excitement to hook the audience 

Sound Effects 

- Car sounds

- engine rev, tire screeches and gear shifts 

- Cars speeding past camera 

Tech sounds

- Key broad typing 

-electronic beeps

By carefully planing my audio plan I aim to create a soundscape that aim to reflect the characters personalities and skills. It can also help hook the audience.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Portfolio Blog post #13

 Props will give information into the characters skills and personalities.



- Dog tag 

- Holographic map wrist projector


- Custom keyboard

- Vintage game boy modded into a hacking tool


- Steering wheel with custom grips

- photo of his foster siblings 


- Brass knuckles

- Dog tag

Lighting will create mood and establish key elements 


Neon Lights- Blue, Green, red and pink these neon light colors will be used to reflect of surfaces to create a street race feel.

High contrast- The use of shadows and bright lights to add depth and drama

The neon lights will be used the garage, street race and at the gym.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #12

Costumes will reflect each character's personality and role.

Alex(The leader) 

Outfit- Utilitarian jacket with tactical pockets, dark cargo pants, and combat boots

Details- Dog tag, fingerless gloves

Color- Navy blue and black to symbolize authority and calm 

Jade( The tech Expert)

Outfit- oversized hoodie with circuit board patterns, ripped jeans and sneakers.

Details- A chunky smartwatch, and a lanyard with USB drives

color- Neon green and black 

Rico( The driver)

Outfit- leather jacket, grease stained jeans, and boots 

Details- aviator sunglass, a locket with a photo of his foster siblings, and a bandana. 

Color- red and black to emphasize his passion and danger

Dax( The muscle) 

Outfit- tank top, cargo pants, and heavy boots

Details- tattoos with manful quotes, brass knuckles, and a small notebook

Color- amber and grey to show his warmth and strength 

Set designs 


-Workbenches cluttered with tools, car parts, and tech gadgets

- A map in the middle of the room

- Graffiti on the walls

Lighting- Blue neon lights and flickering lights

Street Race

- Neon lit lights

- Abandoned warehouses and graffiti covered walls

- smoke machines to create hazy 

Lighting- Red and Pink neon lights 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #11

My characters for my film opening are Alex( The leader), Jade( The tech expert),  Rico (The Driver), Dax ( The Muscle of the group). 

Alex is the leader for a reason he was an ex military tactician so he knows what he is doing and know how not to get caught. 

Alex Key Traits

- Is good under pressure 

- Protective of the group

- Always wants to be successful 

Jade is the brains of the group he is very smart and is very good with technology and when need is there for the group. He is a former student of MIT but dropped out to fight to expose corrupt systems. 

Jade Key Traits 

- Is brillant 

- Loves tech 

- Hate corrupt systems 

Rico is the driver of the group, he got into car because he grow up in the foster system and cars were a way to escape from his family. 

Rico Key Traits 

- Reckless Driver 

- Amazing Humor 

- Loves vintage cars 

And lastly we got Dax he is the muscle/ protector go the group. He is an ex- convict that went to jail for protecting his brother from a bar fight.

Dax Key Traits 

- Quiet 

- Uses his strength has a last resort 

- protector to his close friends/ family 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #10

My film opening, Full throttle is a high energy action sequence inspired by Fast and the Furious. The story follows a crew of street races Alex, Jade, Rice, and Dax who are recruited to pull off a dangerous heist involving cutting edge technology. The opening film sets up their world, and skills. 

Key Elements 

Dynamic camera work- low angle shots of cars, close of engine 

Framing Theory- use of tight closes ups of faces and tools

Titles- Integrated into the the background 


Loyalty and Betrayal- hints of tension within the crew

Diversity- The crew reflects varied of skills

Full Throttle aims to hook viewers with adrenaline pumping action. I hope to create an opening that's both stylish and creative.

Portfolio Blog Post #9

For my porject I am think using media theory. One that I had in mind was Framing. Framing helps examine the presentation of visuals and narrative work together to shape the audience interaction with the story. I choose framing as my theory because I want to explore how the presentation of visual and narrative elements shapes the audience view on the film. My opening scene is inspired by Fast and the Furious, By applying Framing Theory, I can use visual and narrative techniques to help create my main characters. I can use close up of the engine to starting to highlight the power of the car. I can shot cars and characters from low angels to make them appear dominant and powerful. I can so include neon lights to create high engird and vibe. Movement that I can also use are tracking shot to follow the cars during the street race with smooth tracking shots to create a sense of speed and fluidity. By applying framing theory, I can create a film opening that not only looks visually goof but also effectively connects the story, theme, and emotions to the audience. Framing allows me to guide the audiences to better understand the film.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #8

Now that I have talked with the group members I have a better idea on what my project is going to be. So I created a story broad to better help me understand on how my opening scene was going to look like. Creating the story broad help me put my ideas down on paper to see how they would look like when you put them together. It also helps me stay organized and better help me stay focus on what I am doing. While I was doing the story broad I had a lot of ideas but some ideas were good put it just didn't fit with the opening scene, so I had to brain story a bit more to fine new ideas. I like that my was able to put my ideas together and create a story broad to better help me understand what I am going to shot. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #7

 For my group meeting it went really good. My group had a lot of great ideas that I thought were really good. Maximilano had a great idea; his genre was horror and he had an idea that his character would wake up in the middle of the Everglades at night with a flashlight in his face but he also wanted to the character to wake up bad in his room but he didn't really know how to put it together and make it look good. Then Maclcenna gave him an idea that when his character wake up there should be light a square round him to make it seem like he is still in his room but he is actually in the middle of the everglades. When it came up to my ideas my group really like it and they gave me a lot of good idea to add and change. For example I would have start with a group of street racers working on a car in a garage but Maclcenna told me that how I end the opening film should be how I start it because it would look better to have the title of the film in the middle of the film then the end. Maximiliano also told me that when we are working on the car we should be wearing white overalls and its should get them dirty so it look like we are mechanics. One thing that I liked about our meeting is that we all had different idea and genre but it was fun to hear other peoples ideas to see how they would do it. I can't wait to have another group project to see how the ideas that we came up with would actually turn out and to see how they would look, and if they need changes we can make them before we have to summit the project. We still have time to take the feed back that we got in this meeting and changes the ideas that we have because everyone in the group is planing on starting to film next week.

 Group Members- Camila, Maximilano, Maclcennna, Natalia, Michael

Friday, February 7, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post#6

While researching the Mission impossible franchise created by Bruce Heller. These series of film have had poplar actors like Tom Cruise as Ethan. This franchise is well know for actions scenes, plot and for Tom Cruise doing his own stunts. This franchise has become on of the most successful movie franchise in cinematic history. The franchise itself has made around 4 billion dollars and has been very successful in box office.
A 'Mission: Impossible' Plot Synopsis Before Seeing 'Fallout'

The franchise uses a lot of CGI to make the action sequences feel more authentic and immersive. What makes this feeling even better is that Tom Cruise does most of his own stunts. The dedication that Tom Cruise has to make his own stunts is one of the features that makes Tom cruise on of the best actors in Hollywood. This also adds more realism to the film.

The Mission impossible franchise is one of the best cinematic film making in history do to often pushing boundaries of what is possible and not. The risk taking that this franchise has made has earn the respect of all the fan and other industries. This is one of the reasons why this franchise continues to make more film do to the high revenue this movie makes and love the fans have for this franchise. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #5


Week One (1/29-2/2) 

Post two blog post about plan for your project and idea that I had

Week Two (2/3-2/9)

Submit four blog post

Find genre that I want to film research about 

Have an almost a full idea of what I want to film

Week Three (2/10-2/16)

Story Board 

Have set time when to film

have cars ready

possibly start filming 

Week Four (2/17-2/23)

Start filming for sure 

Record foley sounds 

Start editing what I have filmed

Week Five (2/24-3/2)

have all my filming done 

foleys too 

have most of editing done 

reshot if need 

Week Six (3/3-3/9)

Have all everything edited 

Start CCR questions 

go over the opening scene too make sure everything is perfect

Week Seven (3/10-3/16)

Have all CCR question complete

make sure to have everything done 

have all blog post done 

Week eight (3/17-3/25) 

extra week just in case I need it 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #4

 While researching the movie Fall Guy credits scenes, the credits start with music playing in the back ground while have sequence of film set, the actor acting, and Hollywood. While having the names of the actors and in the film on the bottom middle of the screen. What this film uses
that I like is that when they show one of the actor that is one the main characters it show the real actors name and the name of the character that they are playing. I also like how in this movie the music that they use during the credit scene fits the main character. Another thing that I liked that they did is that they cut to an older tv and show clips from an older movie while also show what character are staring. 

While researching Baywatch it also uses music in the background while having sequence of what is happening on the beach. We also get shots of lifeguard training, helicopters, and people on the beach. What I liked that this film credit sequences it uses like a too screen in most of the credit sequences. While having the slip screen it shows the character that are going to be in the film while having there name in the middle bottom of the screen, while also showing other clips of the character. I also like how at the end it shows Baywatch on both of the screen with big text.

While researching spider man 2 starts different than any other film that I have researched because this one doesn't show any character, it only shows a spider wed in the back ground with a red back ground while playing music. While this is happening its show the characters that are going to be in the film and the producers and directors of the movie. After the first minute of the credit sequence we see one of the characters that are going to be in the film and we also we a spider. Then we see like sctechs of things that are going to be in the film and what happens. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #3

 While researching opening scenes i found that in the film Baby Driver it used a lot of close up and medium shot of the characters.  For sound it also had music playing in the back ground while the characters are getting ready for a heist. You can also see that the driver is lip singing to sounds based on what is happening in the first 2 minutes of the film opening. For example when the film cuts to the crew robing the bank the music changes to a more hard kind of beat. Also when crew runs out of the bank it uses a lot of fast paced cuts and pans to create a sense of panic. It also use low angle show of the driver when they are running away from the cops to create a sense of focus. 

For the research of Fast and the Furious opening scene it use an establishing shot to show where its taking place. This opening scene also uses a lot of close ups and medium shot to show the character. It uses close ups when the character is driver to show the fast pace of the car. In Fast and The Furious it also uses high angle shots to show the car going fast round the track to show how fast the car is going. You also get this sense because it also cuts to the driver changing gears fast while cuting back to the high angle shot.  There is also a lot of camera techniques used in this opening films like the camera shacking while tracking the car going around the track to get the sense of how fast the car is going 

For the research of Ford vs Ferrari the scene starts with a POV shot of the front of the car going around a track during a race. This film also uses a lot of close up of the drivers face to show is emotions. It also uses low angle shots like baby driver to show the drivers reaction when he is on fire after coming into the pits. The use of POV shot is used a lot to show the driver passing a lot of car on track. In this film we get a sense of the driving tossing focus because we can see the screen get darker and darker when he is driving. Then we cut to the driver in a doctor office. While he is in the doctors office the camera stays on the driver showing that he is the important thing in this. During this it uses a lot of close up and medium shots to show the drivers reaction after the doctors tell him he can't no more. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Portfolio post 2

For my film opening project, I’ve narrowed down my options to two genres: Psychological Thriller and Action. Both genres offer unique opportunities for storytelling, visual style, and audience engagement. Below, I’ve outlined the key characteristics of each genre, along with examples and how they might influence my project. Psychological thrillers focus on the mental and emotional states of characters, often exploring themes like identity, reality, and perception. These films rely on tension, suspense, and psychological manipulation to engage the audience.

Films like Gone girl, Black Swan, and Shutter island use psychological to create a better meaning to there character development.

I am considering this genre because It allows for creative storytelling and visual experimentation and the focus on character psychology offers opportunities for deep, thought-provoking themes.

Action films are known for their high-energy sequences, elaborate plans, and charismatic characters. These films often feature thrilling set pieces, fast-paced editing, and themes of teamwork and loyalty.

Films like Baby Driver, Ocean's Eleven, and Fast and Furious use action to create a scenes of high/ fast action that create a sense of trill.

Why I am considering this genre-It’s visually exciting and offers opportunities for creative action sequences, the ensemble cast dynamic allows for diverse character interactions, and It has a broad audience appeal and is fun to film and edit.

Both genres have their strengths and challenges. A psychological thriller would allow me to explore deeper themes and experiment with visual storytelling, while an action film would be more dynamic and visually engaging. Ultimately, my decision will depend on the resources available, my team’s strengths, and the story I want to tell.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Portfolio Blog post #1

For this project, I was tasked with creating a two-minute opening sequence for a new fictional film. The goal was to follow institutional conventions of commercial cinema while showcasing originality in storytelling, visuals, and sound design. This portfolio documents my journey from initial ideas to the final product, highlighting the challenges, decisions, and skills I developed along the way.

Right now for my project I am think of doing an opening scene about a car guy. My genre is going to be action because I want my project is going to be about a group of street racers and what they do during the night when his parents are sleeping. My film is inspired by fast and the furious. Right now my ideas of my story are A crew of street racers is recruited by a mysterious benefactor to pull off a high-stakes heist involving cutting-edge technology. The opening sets up the crew, their skills, and the first hint of the heist. I was think of calling the Film "Full Throttle.

A garage , a street race, and a brief glimpse of the heist target.

Urban environment with neon lights, busy streets, and a gritty atmosphere.

Key locations: A garage (introducing the crew), a street race, and a brief glimpse of the heist target.

Action Elements:

Include a high-speed street race or a chase scene to establish the adrenaline-fueled tone.

Use close-ups of engines revving, tires screeching, and intense facial expressio

Portfolio Blog Post #23

 Today was group meeting #2 Lee had an amazing blog post that better explained the CCR's questions in details. For me it help me have a ...