Monday, February 3, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #3

 While researching opening scenes i found that in the film Baby Driver it used a lot of close up and medium shot of the characters.  For sound it also had music playing in the back ground while the characters are getting ready for a heist. You can also see that the driver is lip singing to sounds based on what is happening in the first 2 minutes of the film opening. For example when the film cuts to the crew robing the bank the music changes to a more hard kind of beat. Also when crew runs out of the bank it uses a lot of fast paced cuts and pans to create a sense of panic. It also use low angle show of the driver when they are running away from the cops to create a sense of focus. 

For the research of Fast and the Furious opening scene it use an establishing shot to show where its taking place. This opening scene also uses a lot of close ups and medium shot to show the character. It uses close ups when the character is driver to show the fast pace of the car. In Fast and The Furious it also uses high angle shots to show the car going fast round the track to show how fast the car is going. You also get this sense because it also cuts to the driver changing gears fast while cuting back to the high angle shot.  There is also a lot of camera techniques used in this opening films like the camera shacking while tracking the car going around the track to get the sense of how fast the car is going 

For the research of Ford vs Ferrari the scene starts with a POV shot of the front of the car going around a track during a race. This film also uses a lot of close up of the drivers face to show is emotions. It also uses low angle shots like baby driver to show the drivers reaction when he is on fire after coming into the pits. The use of POV shot is used a lot to show the driver passing a lot of car on track. In this film we get a sense of the driving tossing focus because we can see the screen get darker and darker when he is driving. Then we cut to the driver in a doctor office. While he is in the doctors office the camera stays on the driver showing that he is the important thing in this. During this it uses a lot of close up and medium shots to show the drivers reaction after the doctors tell him he can't no more. 

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