Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #4

 While researching the movie Fall Guy credits scenes, the credits start with music playing in the back ground while have sequence of film set, the actor acting, and Hollywood. While having the names of the actors and in the film on the bottom middle of the screen. What this film uses
that I like is that when they show one of the actor that is one the main characters it show the real actors name and the name of the character that they are playing. I also like how in this movie the music that they use during the credit scene fits the main character. Another thing that I liked that they did is that they cut to an older tv and show clips from an older movie while also show what character are staring. 

While researching Baywatch it also uses music in the background while having sequence of what is happening on the beach. We also get shots of lifeguard training, helicopters, and people on the beach. What I liked that this film credit sequences it uses like a too screen in most of the credit sequences. While having the slip screen it shows the character that are going to be in the film while having there name in the middle bottom of the screen, while also showing other clips of the character. I also like how at the end it shows Baywatch on both of the screen with big text.

While researching spider man 2 starts different than any other film that I have researched because this one doesn't show any character, it only shows a spider wed in the back ground with a red back ground while playing music. While this is happening its show the characters that are going to be in the film and the producers and directors of the movie. After the first minute of the credit sequence we see one of the characters that are going to be in the film and we also we a spider. Then we see like sctechs of things that are going to be in the film and what happens. 

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