My plan for this week is to start filming on Wednesday with my friends. The plan is to film at least the first 30 second of the film opening. And to start editing those first 30 seconds as soon as posable. The plan is to go to my friend house and go to his dads car garage and film the opening 30 sec of the me working on the car and quick shots of the car. I feel that those shots will take at least 1- 2 hours to film and make sure the shots are perfect. I also want to get some sounds of the car revving the engine and the car starting up to have those sound done with and I can add them later on if I need just in case I forgot to have it.
After we film on Wednesday I am planning on starting to edit what I have film on Wednesday to see if it looks good, If it doesn't then I will have to plan on a day to re-shot to make it look better. I also have to have 3 blog post done about how my production is going. My plan for my first blog post is showing some of my rare film and explains how I am going to add to it and make it better. For my second blog post I am going to document the editing process that I am think of taking with my opening film. My third blog post will be about how we set up the set and how we made it look like we are mechanics.
On Wednesday we couldn't start filming do to my friend that had the mics was sick and could bring the mics. So what we did was plan to start filming today Friday after school and have most of our filming done cus we also have to put time into my CCR that also need a lot of time and effort for me to get a good grade.
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