My characters for my film opening are Alex( The leader), Jade( The tech expert), Rico (The Driver), Dax ( The Muscle of the group).
Alex is the leader for a reason he was an ex military tactician so he knows what he is doing and know how not to get caught.
Alex Key Traits
- Is good under pressure
- Protective of the group
- Always wants to be successful
Jade is the brains of the group he is very smart and is very good with technology and when need is there for the group. He is a former student of MIT but dropped out to fight to expose corrupt systems.
Jade Key Traits
- Is brillant
- Loves tech
- Hate corrupt systems
Rico is the driver of the group, he got into car because he grow up in the foster system and cars were a way to escape from his family.
Rico Key Traits
- Reckless Driver
- Amazing Humor
- Loves vintage cars
And lastly we got Dax he is the muscle/ protector go the group. He is an ex- convict that went to jail for protecting his brother from a bar fight.
Dax Key Traits
- Quiet
- Uses his strength has a last resort
- protector to his close friends/ family
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