For my group meeting it went really good. My group had a lot of great ideas that I thought were really good. Maximilano had a great idea; his genre was horror and he had an idea that his character would wake up in the middle of the Everglades at night with a flashlight in his face but he also wanted to the character to wake up bad in his room but he didn't really know how to put it together and make it look good. Then Maclcenna gave him an idea that when his character wake up there should be light a square round him to make it seem like he is still in his room but he is actually in the middle of the everglades. When it came up to my ideas my group really like it and they gave me a lot of good idea to add and change. For example I would have start with a group of street racers working on a car in a garage but Maclcenna told me that how I end the opening film should be how I start it because it would look better to have the title of the film in the middle of the film then the end. Maximiliano also told me that when we are working on the car we should be wearing white overalls and its should get them dirty so it look like we are mechanics. One thing that I liked about our meeting is that we all had different idea and genre but it was fun to hear other peoples ideas to see how they would do it. I can't wait to have another group project to see how the ideas that we came up with would actually turn out and to see how they would look, and if they need changes we can make them before we have to summit the project. We still have time to take the feed back that we got in this meeting and changes the ideas that we have because everyone in the group is planing on starting to film next week.
Group Members- Camila, Maximilano, Maclcennna, Natalia, Michael
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