Today was group meeting #2
Lee had an amazing blog post that better explained the CCR's questions in details. For me it help me have a better idea because when I first saw the questions I didn't really understand it, but when I saw her blog and I saw how she explained it and I understand it.
For Matias, his blog post are very well done because he explains everything he is doing and he shows what he is going to do and he also shows the props that he used for his film opening and what he is going to use it for.
For Camila she had a lot of question on where she should edit and what would be the best approach for it. She wanted to us CapCut but CapCut is not liked by our teacher so I told her to use Premier Pro because it is free for use and it has a lot of tools that can help make her film opening better. Although I would prefer CapCut due to it being easy to us and simple, Premier Pro is hard to figure out but once you figure it out you can see that there is a lot of tools that can help you make your project better.
For me I had a hard time figuring out where and how I would create my title page because for my film opening it would best flow with my film opening if my title is at the end because it would be after the light turn green and the screen goes black to show the title and you would just hear the car racing. They also gave me ideas that I should create my title on canva because it has a lot of tools that would make my title look good.
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