Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #23

 Today was group meeting #2

Lee had an amazing blog post that better explained the CCR's questions in details. For me it help me have a better idea because when I first saw the questions I didn't really understand it, but when I saw her blog and I saw how she explained it and I understand it. 

For Matias, his blog post are very well done because he explains everything he is doing and he shows what he is going to do and he also shows the props that he used for his film opening and what he is going to use it for.

For Camila she had a lot of question on where she should edit and what would be the best approach for it. She wanted to us CapCut but  CapCut is not liked by our teacher so I told her to use Premier Pro because it is free for use and it has a lot of tools that can help make her film opening better. Although I would prefer CapCut due to it being easy to us and simple, Premier Pro is hard to figure out but once you figure it out you can see that there is a lot of tools that can help you make your project better.

For me I had a hard time figuring out where and how I would create my title page because for my film opening it would best flow with my film opening if my title is at the end because it would be after the light turn green and the screen goes black to show the title and you would just hear the car racing. They also gave me ideas that I should create my title on canva  because it has a lot of tools that would make my title look good. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #22

 Genre Conventions 

-Fast pace action: The street race and chase scenes with high energy action is like the Fast and the Furious

Fast and the Furious' Movies ...-

Introducing a diverse crew with specialized skills like in Ocean's Eleven 

5 Things You Didn't Know About the ...

Technical Conventions 

- Camera work : Low angles, tracking shots and quick cuts are used to emphasize speed and power

Challenging conventions 

- character development in short form- While actions films often prioritize action over character development, Full throttle uses audio to hit at motivation

Representations of social group 

-The crew is diverse, reflecting a range of backgrounds 

- It also emphasizes their skills and personalities 


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #21


For my editing process I had to find a font that would best fit my film opening style. I came across thus font that I felt best fix my film opening because my film opening is about two street racers racing. So I felt like this font had a kind of street painting type of feel and I though it would best fit my film opening do to it being about two street racers. I did have a hard time trying to figure out which font I should use for my credit because most most a basic and plain so I wanted to find one that best matched my film opening and the rest of my production. I feel like I picked a good font and once I finish adding the final touch to it my film opening is going to look good.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #20


I have started editing my film opening today. So far everything has gone good and everything has gone according to plan. I expect to finish my editing by next week Friday or Saturday depending if there is any delay. So far I have edited the first minute of the film opening and I am also trying to find none copy right music that I can play during the film opening. On Monday I also start filming my CCR's and I Plan to start editing them right after I finish with the film opening so that would be on Sunday of next week, and the CCR's should all be filmed and edited by March 21 the week before the project is suppose to be done just in case anything happens.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

portfolio Blog post #19

 This week we finished filming the film opening.

The shots that we got this week were way better than I though they we going to be. I feel like shooting at night made the shot look better. I can wait to start editing to see how this turns out. I feel like once I put everything together it is going to look way better. I am also glad that I got my friend Jesus to help me out with this project because he had a lot of good ideas that made the film opening even better. For example the shot that you see above was his idea and it was not planed but it worked out and it looks amazing. I can wait for the project to be edited and finished. I am really happy on how everything turned out.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #18

 This week I film the first 30 seconds of my opening film. We had a plan for everything this week, we had a lot of problems at first. we had to figure out a lot because we ran into a couple of problems but we always had a solution for them. For example when we didn't have a third person to help us film I called a friend and they helped me and when we didn't have a mechanic shop to film so we had to film in front of my house while fixing the cars.

My plan for next week is to finish the rest of my film opening. 

The plan is to start filming the second part of my film opening on Tuesday. I also have to start filming my foley sounds. The plan is also to start editing my film opening by Friday so I can have some of it done so I can start filming my CCR questions next week and have them done and edited by the second to last week before the project is submitted.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #17



This locations was not supposed to be used but since we could film in a mechanic shop we used this location as back up. This location was used to film the two cars pulling up to the front of the garage and parking so the two guys can work on their cars.


This location is going to be used after the cars are getting worked on and leave and they are going fast. This is going to setup the final shot of the car pulling up to the street light racing.


This location is going to be at the end of the opening film. It is going to show the two car lining up like a street race. Then it's going to have a close up of the street light. Then its going to pan to the car and when the light goes green the screen is going to look black and you are just going to hear the cars racing.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #16

 I started film my opening scene today. 

Today we planed to have done the first 30 seconds of the opening film. And we did film the first 30 sec. Most of what we had plan went according to plan. But we did run into two problems, one we were able to fix and that was that we need a third person to help us film some shots that we though we could have done just with me and my friend but we need another person so we just called on of our friends to help us out. The other problem was that we didn't have a mechanic shop that we need to film to shots. Because those two shots were supposed to be about the crew working on the cars. So instead what we did was having the two car pull up in from of my house garage and we film ourselves working on the cars. 

This part of the video is a minute long but it won't be in the opening film it will only be like 5-10 seconds. I will edit it in the post production process after I finish filming everything.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Portfolio Blog Post #15

 My plan for this week is to start filming on Wednesday with my friends. The plan is to film at least the first 30 second of the film opening. And to start editing those first 30 seconds as soon as posable. The plan is to go to my friend house and go to his dads car garage and film the opening 30 sec of the me working on the car and quick shots of the car. I feel that those shots will take at least 1- 2 hours to film and make sure the shots are perfect. I also want to get some sounds of the car revving the engine and the car starting up to have those sound done with and I can add them later on if I need just in case I forgot to have it. 

After we film on Wednesday I am planning on starting to edit what I have film on Wednesday to see if it looks good, If it doesn't then I will have to plan on a day to re-shot to make it look better. I also have to have 3 blog post done about how my production is going. My plan for my first blog post is showing some of my rare film and explains how I am going to add to it and make it better. For my second blog post I am going to document the editing process that I am think of taking with my opening film. My third blog post will be about how we set up the set and how we made it look like we are mechanics. 

On Wednesday we couldn't start filming do to my friend that had the mics was sick and could bring the mics. So what we did was plan to start filming today Friday after school and have most of our filming done cus we also have to put time into my CCR that also need a lot of time and effort for me to get a good grade. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Portfolio Blog post #14

 My goal for my film opening is having good audio. By having dynamic and immersive sound can help have high energy and storying telling to my film opening.

My goal for my Sound

- Reflect the personalities and skills of characters 

- Build tension and excitement to hook the audience 

Sound Effects 

- Car sounds

- engine rev, tire screeches and gear shifts 

- Cars speeding past camera 

Tech sounds

- Key broad typing 

-electronic beeps

By carefully planing my audio plan I aim to create a soundscape that aim to reflect the characters personalities and skills. It can also help hook the audience.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Portfolio Blog post #13

 Props will give information into the characters skills and personalities.



- Dog tag 

- Holographic map wrist projector


- Custom keyboard

- Vintage game boy modded into a hacking tool


- Steering wheel with custom grips

- photo of his foster siblings 


- Brass knuckles

- Dog tag

Lighting will create mood and establish key elements 


Neon Lights- Blue, Green, red and pink these neon light colors will be used to reflect of surfaces to create a street race feel.

High contrast- The use of shadows and bright lights to add depth and drama

The neon lights will be used the garage, street race and at the gym.

Portfolio Blog Post #23

 Today was group meeting #2 Lee had an amazing blog post that better explained the CCR's questions in details. For me it help me have a ...